Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't Stop Believing

I have been a third grade teacher for over 25 years. Here is some advice I would give to someone just looking for a job in the teaching field.

I landed my first teaching job by substituting in the school I eventually got hired in. So If you think you can just walk into a district and get hired on the spot, you probably won't. Apply to be a substitute teacher.

I landed this first job because I was dedicated, organized, always prepared, kind, caring and structured. After subbing for a year, the staff and the administration got to know me as someone they could count on. And if the teacher did not leave plans, I always had with me a "bag of tricks" to keep the class busy.

Finding a teaching job can be hard, but here is some advice to make it easier. Make yourself known in the district by substituting regularly. Also, when you do sub, offer your assistance in the office, to other teachers, and to administration. Let them get to know who you are and that you are willing to do extra work

This post is part of the Teaching Jobs Portal: “How to land a Teacher Job”. What was your journey like to become a teacher? If you’d like to share your experience with other aspiring teachers please see this post for more information